Ciao Lens

Hangzhou → Austin → New York

偷智慧的老头  6/100 strangers (3pics)



"Never let anyone else take away who you really are! " 

我问:"What is your biggest passion?"

- A moment of silence: "Hmm...Women." 

"Oh come on, I don't believe you. You must be more than that. "

- "What do you mean? Tell me what's the difference between pornography and art. "

"Porn objectizes human. "

- "Yeah. I am passionate about the opposite site of that. "

"What is your name?"

- "Wittaker."

"Wow. I am worried."

- "Never be worried. You can be concerned cause you pay attention, but never be worried. Worry is like a rocking-chair. It takes you to the right or the left, but actually it never takes you anywhere. "

"I am writing a book. The name of one chapter is - insanity of vanity" 然后他掏出胸前的笔,说This is THE PEN。

我们还絮絮叨叨的聊了很多有的没的。比如他指着身后的UT Tower神神叨叨的跟说我“我是1967年来Austin的,就在那场枪击之后的那一年。爹娘问我要去哪,我说Austin,然后我就没离开过。”还比如我说求看整个胡子,他傲娇的表示不行,说这里有些人会被offended。还是没有搞懂一把打白胡子能把人冒犯到哪里去。自称没有好的manner,还问边上的小哥是不是。小哥镇定的说“我觉得他不是没有好的manner,只是跟社会离经叛道而已。”


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